Monday, January 26, 2009

What to do?

We're still trying to figure out what we're doing, if we're going to stay in Phoenix and try to find a job or move elsewhere. We have a couple leads, but we're waiting for the final go ahead from God.

In the mean time, I'm trying to sell a bunch of stuff to bring in some money to pay bills. We have someone coming tomorrow to buy our TV and someone coming later tonight or tomorrow morning to buy the Wii. Tomorrow, I need to list the rest of our movies, some clothes, and some furniture on Craigslist.

Life isn't easy, but someday we're going to look back and tell our children how God led us through the tough times.


Lynsye Louise said...

your faith in all of this gives me hope despite my current state of needing to be away from conventional adventism.

I know it sounds mean, but I also know that you'll understand: I hope you move away and start fresh somewhere closer to the hub's family. fresh starts are good for most people (I just think I made mine at an inopportune time in my life).

Ruth MacC said...

I don't know what to say. If you were weeping I would weep with you. But WHEN YOU REJOICE, I will rejoice with you sister.

DanniellaAnn said...
