Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tired, tired, tired...

This job is wiping me out. I'm not sure why I am so tired but I've been going to bed early every night since Friday.

Today, the two of us labeled 6,000 post cards. That's an increase from both Friday and Monday (5,000 post cards each day). We finished labeling all of those that are Phoenix addresses. We only have two more huge piles that are the size of Phoenix! We'll be busy for awhile...

My working partner has been taking me to lunch every day since I pay for gas and do all the driving. On Friday, we went to Boston Market and I had three sides. It was pretty good. I had thought Boston Market only sold meat. Yesterday, we visited NYPD Pizza. I had one slice of spinach pizza. Today was the best. We visited Wildflower Bread Company. I ate half of a roasted sweet potato sandwich. It sounds kind of odd, but tasted wonderful. All three lunches have been $4.00 or less. It's amazing what you can find for a cheap(er) lunch if you look.

Well, I'm off to bed shortly. I'm hoping for 10 hours of sleep tonight.

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