Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I haven't intentionally neglected my blog. It has been an insane few days.

Last Thursday, my brother and his wife came into town and stayed with us. On Friday, I was running errands with them and then we picked up my niece. All three of them stayed with us until late Sunday morning.

On Friday night, we went to my mom's house for dinner. Sabbath morning, hubby and I went to church while my brother, his wife, and daughter went to the science museum. Then we all ate a late lunch together. On Saturday night, my mother and her boyfriend came over for dinner and I made homemade pizza.

I spent a lot of time cooking over the weekend. From scratch pancakes, sub sandwiches, homemade pizza (including the crust), cinnamon rolls from scratch for the first time ever, and scrambled eggs. There was a TON of dishes even though we ate from paper plates most of the weekend. My kitchen finally was completely cleaned today.

Yesterday was spent mostly at the church. I didn't get home until 3:30 in the afternoon. My quilt top is coming along nicely! I finished all of my blocks and sewed about half the sashing. I have another hour or so of work to do at home before the next meeting (next month) and then we'll be doing the border. I'm so excited! The church let me borrow the rotary cutter and the mat so I can do some quilting at home without having to struggle with scissors.

Because the women's ministries leader was nice enough to loan me the church's rotary cutter, she also said I could use it for a personal project if I wanted to attempt my own quilt or sewing project. I don't think we can afford to buy material for a quilt but I am going to sew up something for a Christmas present. Also, hubby said we could buy the material for me to make a skirt. I only have two and they only each match one top. I want to find a pretty brown material so that I can wear the skirt with multiple tops.

My goal is to eventually switch over to wearing skirts full time but I have to build up my wardrobe for that. Since we're still trying to pay off credit card debt, I can only justify spending so much money on things other than bills... We'll see what I can find on sale. I really want to make this skirt and this apron.


Michelle said...

Do you ever check out Savers or the Goodwill? I'm sure you could find some really neat skirts there.

Love the patterns, by the way - I really need to get a sewing machine. :) There are so many things I'd like to be able to create.

Cassandra said...

Michelle - I'm not sure if we have Savers here, but we have a Goodwill right around the corner. I plan on checking there first before buying any new fabric. I really, really want to try making my own skirt instead of buying them, so I'm going to look for skirts that are larger than what I need so that I can take them apart at the seams and reuse the fabric. I wear a medium so I'm going to look for something in large or extra large and see what I can do with the fabric.

If I can't find anything at Goodwill, I will see if we have Savers here or I will look for new fabric on sale. I'm really excited to see what I can produce with my sewing machine and very limited skills!

h2ovapor said...

I'm curious about your goal of switching to skirts full time...

Cassandra said...

Alilia - What do you want to know? :)

h2ovapor said...

I just read your Facebook posts - I hope you don't make a decision just to please someone else. Skirts are nice, but aren't practical for every situation. Of course that's my own opinion based partly on how I was raised and my intention is not to impose my views on you ;)

Cassandra said...

Alilia - LOL. Actually, my Facebook posts have nothing to do with my desire to wear skirts. I want to look more feminine and modest. That is my goal. Jeans make me feel frumpy but I feel like a woman when I wear a skirt. I know they aren't always practical and I don't want to become legalistic about wearing them. But Arizona is actually very conducive to wearing skirts as they are cooler and our summers are nasty!