Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I didn't mean to disappear for over a week. Last Tuesday, we were notified of a family emergency. With less than two hours notice, I was on my way to Texas. After a harrowing 22 hour drive (a good portion in a snowstorm with almost 0 visibility) we arrived in Dallas.

Christmas did not go as planned. I find this especially ironic because I was struggling just over a week ago with plans with my hubby that had fallen through. Hubby and I had guests visit over Christmas, an old college friend and also my sister-in-law. We were eagerly anticipating their visit but I had to leave 12 hours after our first guest had arrived. I never even saw my SIL. Oops.

I arrived home late yesterday afternoon. Our friend left early this morning. At least I got to see him before he left. Hopefully we'll be visiting my SIL this spring to make up for my missing her visit.

Now I feel like I've fallen so far behind. I missed a week of cleaning. I have tons of laundry to wash. I was planning a couple of blog posts for the holiday season but never wrote them. Hubby and I haven't finalized plans for New Years. Because of the emergency, I missed my weekly call with my grandparents (it totally slipped my mind).

God protected myself, my brother, and his wife on our long drive to and from Dallas. My father is doing better and hopefully will not have another trip to the ER. Hubby had a good visit with his friend and sister while I was gone. I have much to be thankful for, even though things did not go according to my plan. Funny how that works.


Unknown said...

Wow, you had to drive through that crazy storm! We're 2 hrs outside of Dallas and got only a few flakes.

Praise the Lord for safe travel and that your father is doing better.

Cassandra said...

Yes, I don't ever want to drive through such a terrible storm again! It was awful.

Thanks for your well wishes. :) :)

Ruth MacC said...

It's a bad time of the year for things to go wrong. I am glad you are home and that things should settle down. Times like these makes us appreciate our home and family though:o)

Anonymous said...

interesting blog
God bless you