I kinda sorta like it. I don't like the vertical blue border we had to add to bring the quilt to the correct finished size. This quilt was not planned out from the beginning. I made the blocks 12" each. Then we (seemingly randomly) picked a sashing size. Then we worked with what little fabric we had left to make the brown border. After that, we measured the quilt and determined that we had to add a second border to bring it to the needed size. Blech. My perfectionism was screaming the entire time.
That said, I learned A LOT making this quilt top. I now know to plan the entire top in advance, how to press the blocks (as opposed to ironing. Oops!), and how to keep my seams straight. The back of this quilt top is not pretty but I consider it a successful lesson.
Tomorrow, I will be attending the monthly women's ministry meeting. My quilting teacher will be showing me how to assemble the three layers and how to tie it all together. I'm not sure how long tying takes, but maybe I'll have a finished quilt soon.
Next on my project list is my grandparents' quilt. I have the fabric picked out and washed. I just need to iron it all and then I can start cutting the squares out. Maybe since I made a bunch of mistakes on my first quilt top, I'll be able to avoid those mistakes on my second! Once I finish this quilt, I'll be starting Hazel's mystery quilt. I'm already 10 days behind on the instructions, but I'm hoping to finish my grandparents' quilt in a month. Then I will start on Hazel's quilt and catch up on the instructions.
And I commend you on reading the Bible in 90 days...I've heard if you do that, you don't do much else! I couldn't do it in a year, but find myself doing other Bible studies too...and that is likely why.
I found you through the post for Children's Classics Mysteries
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