Friday, May 7, 2010

Radical - Book Review

I chose Radical, by David Platt, because of the subtitle - "taking back your faith from the American dream." The author does a really good job showing how the typical American dream works at odds with fulfilling the gospel commission to go and make disciples of all nations. Too often, we in America are comfortable with the status quo, with trying to increase our material wealth, and with our padded seats and pat sermons at church.

As far as making me think, this book succeeded. I am a homemaker. As such, my realm of influence is small. According to Radical, it matters not that I am a woman or a homemaker. Platt suggests that we are all called to go and make disciples of all nations. Is this the case? Was the command given to the disciples applicable to all believers? Am I, with my husband, to go to a foreign country and preach the gospel? The book states that believers often use the excuse that "I am not called to preach; my gift is in another area." Platt suggests that this is only an excuse and all believers are called by God to preach and serve in a big way.

Toward the beginning of the book, the author states that he has more questions than answers. That is also the case for me after reading his book. Very few of my questions were answered and I have several more topics lined up for Bible study.

This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.


Anonymous said...

This sounds like an interesting book.

Although I agree that Christians are called to share the gospel with others, I don't think that I entirely agree that ALL Christians are called to "Preach and serve in a big way."

Obviously, those who claim to follow Christ are to minister to others, but how they go about doing it, I believe, will vary with each person. Each person has their own calling from God, and therefore, I don't believe that each person is called to be a "big time" preacher.

These are just my thoughts and opinions. :)

~Mrs. Lady Sofia~

Cassandra said...

Mrs. Sofia - That's what I was thinking as well, that we are all called to service in our own ministry. I can't think of any specific Biblical support for that, other than Titus 2:5, Proverbs 31, etc. Those texts clearly showing the wife ministering at home, not in far off countries. Of course, should my husband be called to another country to serve, I would gladly minister to him there.

Anonymous said...

I loved your blog. Thank you.