Missie, over at Fill My Thirst, was so kind to give me a blog award! I'm really honored and don't feel I deserve it at all but I'm grateful.

So... I have to:
1. Thank and link back to the person that gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about your self.
3. Pass the award to 9 fellow bloggers that inspire you.
4. Let them know about the award. :-)
7 things about myself
1. I have an awesome hubby. He loves me so much that he encourages me to follow my dream of being a homemaker, which allows me to be a better wife.
2. I'm a perfectionist but I struggle with being lazy. If I can't do it perfect, I'd rather not do it at all. Bad habit!
3. I love spending time reading God's word. I'm currently (still) doing a study on death. I try to study every single morning right after getting out of bed and currently have over 10 pages of notes on this topic! Death is mentioned a lot in the Bible...
4. I love to sing but I'm terrible at it. :)
5. I'm studying Japanese so that we can live in Japan for a few years.
6. I love my cat!
7. I'm learning to quilt, though I don't spend much time on it. I have two quilts in progress and need to finish them up so I can start on another, this one for a baby. Because I'm going to be an aunty again!
9 bloggers who inspire me - Oh wow. I read a lot of blogs but how could I ever pick 9?
1. Carrie @ Reading to Know - She inspires me to read quality books and to really think about what I'm reading. Plus she writes awesome book reviews and keeps causing my to-read list to swell!
2. Susan @ FatFree Vegan Kitchen - Her recipes are amazing and every one I've tried has tasted really good! Plus, they're healthy and the photographs are gorgeous. What else can you ask for?
3. Mrs. Smith - What a wonderful Christian lady. She's the one who inspired me to really dig deep during my current Bible study.
4. Lara @ Lazy Organizer - She doesn't really blog anymore, but her archives are a wealth of information. I read her blog posts weekly for two years until she stopped/slowed down blogging. She has just opened up a world of possibilities for my home, my family, and any (future) children. Very amazing lady.
5. Blessings of a Keeper at Home - An awesome Christian lady who lives out her beliefs.
6. Ann @ His Grace to Me - I get so excited when she posts because all her posts are so lovely.
7. Karen @ The Tale of Our Quest - Karen inspires me for the future. Her kids are amazing and I love Karen's posts about childrearing and homeschooling. I just wish I could implement her ideas now!
8. Vegan Hope - This is a new-to-me blog but my mom and I have been reading through her archives and are inspired to eat and live healthier.
9. My hubby - Mind you, his blog doesn't inspire me as it's extremely technological and like reading a language I don't understand. ;) But he inspires me every day to become a better wife, a better person, and a better Christian. I couldn't ask for a better husband!
Thank-you Cassandra! I am honored that you would think of me. I really enjoy checking your blog as well! My children loved your kitty pictures, by the way.
I've been reading a little about 7th day Adventists because I picked up a book called Education by E. G. White (a Seventh Day Adventist) and I LOVED it so I was curious about what they believed - It was fun to notice the other day when I was looking at your blog that I kind of "know" a 7th Day Adventist :-)
Thank-you for all your great, thought provoking comments on my blog! I always enjoy hearing from you.
Thanks for the blog love!!
You are such a sweetheart to have added me :o) I have been quiet with the blog, I look forward to being "noisy" again.
I am not the least bit surprised that you were picked for the award, Cassandra! I would have made the same choice. Hugs! ♥
ha, I am going to test my thought, your post bring me some good ideas, it's really amazing, thanks.
- Mark
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- Lora
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