For today, here's what is on my nighstand, er, coffee table.

It's a huge pile of books and there is no way I will complete them all before they are due back at the library. Some of them are my husband's books and others are reference material. For instance, I borrowed a chronological study Bible just to see what it's like. At first glance, I love it. If I still like it after reading a bit, I'm going to purchase one.
Top priority books:
Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free - I've seen this one highly recommended around the blogsphere and thought it was worth checking out.
The Jesus You Can't Ignore: What You Must Learn from the Bold Confrontations of Christ - I received this as a review copy and need to finish reading it this weekend.
Love & Respect - Another book that was highly recommended to me. So far I keep saying "yes, yes, I do that." But I'm almost half way through the book and I want to know what I'm supposed to do about it. More later.
The Well-Educated Mind - I've actually finished reading this book but I marked a few spots where I need to go back and take notes. I need to finish up quickly, as it's a very popular book at my library and I'm sure I won't be able to renew it.
Canterbury Tales - My husband keeps challenging me to read a classic, so I asked him to pick one out for me. I've never read Chaucer, so I'll be interested to see how I do with this massive piece of literature.
What are you reading this month?
Wow! You sure have much reading to look forward too! I have a "pile" like that too, although it's on one of the bookshelves in our "library room."
I love reading, but I read too slow. Therefore, it seems to take me forever to finish anything.
BTW, I read, "The Canterbury Tales" a few years ago From what I remember about it, it's an interesting and delightful little tale. :)
-Lady Rose
P.S. I know that I still owe you an email. I have not forgotten.
Lady Rose, I love to read. I actually read too fast and thus don't retain much. I have to consciously slow myself down as I'm reading so that I can remember something about what I read.
Thanks for the encouragement about Canterbury Tales! I'm nervous about starting it.
I look forward to receiving your email, whenever you write it! I forgot to ask for your address as well, so if you think of it... :)
What a pile! I read the Canterbury Tales in high school and had to memorize a portion of it in Old English. I don't remember much except for a character named the Wife of Bath!
The cool thing about The Canterbury Tales is that it's essentially a bunch of short stories, so you can read some of them and still get a taste!
You're right--you do have quite a list today. I love The Well-Educated Mind (even if I've never followed it to the letter). And I've heard very good things of Love and Respect from married friends. It looks like you're in for a good deal of fun reading!
(By the way, thanks for the tip about Bethany's books to bloggers program--I signed up last night and can't wait to start!)
Canterbury Tales! Awesome read!
Ooh, lots of endorsements for Canterbury Tales. I really look forward to reading it.
ummmm, Are you me? I always hgave a huge list going too (or that I want to have going) AND when we lived in the states, I often checked things out from the library before I purchased them too.
Amy @ Missional Mama
Amy, it's nice to find other people who appreciate a huge pile of books. Do you have a large to-read list? I keep mine as a wish list on Amazon and I have almost 300 titles listed. When I'm making my list of books to check out at the library, I peruse my to-read list and pick out interests me that day.
Canterbury Tales, that takes me back 20 years to my college English classes!
Please share more about what non-fiction you are reading. You have inspired me to read more and I'd like to get a "to read" list started. I'm looking for ideas.
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