Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What's On Your Nightstand - January 2011!

What's On Your NightstandMy reading is going to be a bit different next year and my Nightstand post reflects that. I read just shy of 100 books in 2010 and will aim for 52 in 2011. Even though I'm reading fewer books, I want to be more selective about my choices and read higher quality books. I'll explore that idea in a blog post later this week, detailing what challenges I'm joining and why. (Yes, I succumbed to the siren call of reading challenges...)

But for now, here is my reading plan for January.

Christian life - The Walk: Clear Direction and Spiritual Power for Your Life (Review copy)

Theology - Slave: The Hidden Truth About Your Identity in Christ (Review copy)

Homemaking - The Well-Ordered Home: Organizing Techniques for Inviting Serenity into Your Life

Memoir/Autobiography/Biography - Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time

Health/Cookbooks - Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!

Classics - Bleak House - Hubby challenged me to read it. Not sure it's my kind of book, but we'll see.

I'm also trying to learn how to cook and have a stack of books on my desk to pull from as I have time (Baking, Veganomicon, Absolutely Chocolate, Modern Spice, Easy French Cuisine, Newstart Lifestyle Cookbook). Here is my kitty trying to convince me that his food is more important than mine!


Janet said...

Sounds like you have some good priorities for 2011.

I love Bleak House... One of these days I'll reread it. Three Cups of Tea I cheated on and read the young reader's version recently. :-)

Look forward to hearing your thoughts on these!

bekahcubed said...

Good for you for going deep in 2011--and for reading some books that you feel are just not your type. It's so good to be stretched intellectually. I'm looking forward to reading about the challenges you participate in and the books you're reading!

Lisa notes... said...

I love the wide variety in your reading. I like to read that way too. Several of your books sound very interesting. Have fun!

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed Three Cups of Tea. It can get a little detailed at times, but it was inspiring and eye-opening.

Monica said...

I too am trying to add books of greater quality. Some classics which I never attempted to read before. How is the Japanese lessons coming along? Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well!

Anonymous said...

Your list looks great. I am a cookbook fanatic also, love your choices!

Anonymous said...

Bleak House is one of the classics I'm hoping to read in 2011 also!

Kara said...

What a great list! I love your plan and the variety.

Susan said...

I love the way you have such big plans! I hope you accomplish them all :) The Well Ordered Home sounds interesting to me ...

Amy said...

I like how you have your reads in catagories. I have cut my reading goal in half as well for this upcoming year but hope to keep reading a lot!

I am planning to check out a few you have listed that I have not heard of before.


- Mighty B said...

I'm very interested to see what you think of The Well-Ordered Home. I'm stockpiling homemaking books lately - I can't get enough!!

morninglight mama said...

I've had Three Cups of Tea on my list for so long now- I just have to pull it down and read it soon.

Good luck with your 2011 goals!
-Dawn, 5 Minutes for Books

Beth said...

Your reading plan sounds like a great idea. The Organized Home looks like an interesting read.