Menu Plan Monday! We are doing a couple of new recipes this week that I'm really excited about.
Monday - Tacos
Tuesday - Breakfast burritos
Wednesday - Penne Arrabbiata (new recipe from Skinny Italian) and Oatmeal Whole Wheat Quick Bread
Thursday - Stir-fry (new recipe)
Friday - Curry
Sabbath - Hot dogs
Sunday - Spur of the moment meal based on cupboard contents
Last week's successes
Cranberry Orange Muffins - These were REALLY good. I've made them three times already. This morning's batch was made without salt and we didn't notice a difference.
Oatmeal Whole Wheat Quick Bread - My loaf came out a bit shorter than it was supposed to, as it spread too much on the cookie sheet. I'll try adding a bit more flour to the next loaf so that the dough isn't so thin.
Hi Cassandra,
I like your Sunday menu. This is really how I should word mine. I can't wait to read your memory verse for this week.
Your menu sounds so delicious! I love breakfast burritos - I think they are my favorite food in the entire world. Penne Arrabbiata sounds incredibly mouth-watering, too!
Have a great week of cooking!
ooooh those muffins sound great!! It's so great having a plan in place.
Nice site, nice and easy on the eyes and great content too.
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