Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Quilt progress and a couple tutorial videos

I'm still working on the quilt I was supposed to have done before Christmas. Even though I am slow, I am still making progress! One row of blocks is tied, only nine more to go.

It's been a year since I finished my first quilt. Since too much time had lapsed, I couldn't remember exactly how to tie the quilt layers together. Plus, it was my first time spray basting a quilt rather than pin basting it. YouTube to the rescue! I found several great videos that really helped.

How to spray baste a quilt

How to tie a quilt

This evening I'll keep working on the tying. Then I have to figure out how to attach the border. It's coming together finally! My next quilt will be faster. Really.


Missie said...

I have quilt retreat with my mom in a couple of weeks! I am excited!

Becky said...

I'm taking a break from my self-imposed ban on technology... I'm hoping to make my mother-in-law a quilted bag, so I'm hoping that the tying video will help me with that. Now, back to reading...

Anonymous said...


I think that I need more than these tutorials to make a quilt, ha!

I'm looking forward to seeing your finished product! :)

-Lady Rose