I can't believe it's already time for a Nightstand Post. This month has flown by. My husband and I took a week off for vacation, I spent hours trying to find a bridesmaid dress, and hubby's work hours after vacation were crazy. It has been a great month, but busy!

I read too many fiction books this month. In May, I'm going to try to read more nonfiction.
Books completed in April (links are to my reviews)
Bento Box in the Heartland - 3 stars
Dawn's Prelude - 3 stars
Remembering the Kanji I - 5 stars
Love Finds You in Lahaina, Hawaii - 4 stars
Courting Miss Amsel - 4 stars
The King's Daughter - 3 stars
Currently reading
Theology - Matthew (Bible) - I've been following the Blogging Through the Gospels schedule but haven't been doing much of the blogging. I really need to remedy that.
Theology - The Whole Bible Story: Everything That Happens in the Bible in Plain English (review copy)
Classics - The Castle, Kafka - My husband's classics challenge for me this month. Don't tell him, but I'm actually kind of enjoying it.
To-read in May

This is my "nightstand," which is actually an end table next to the couch. The pile on the right consists of a Japanese New Testament, KJV, NKJV, and NIV Bible. Right now I'm mostly reading out of the NKJV but I like comparing to the others when I come across hard passages. Under the Bibles is a small stack of magazines from my church. That stack will likely grow before it gets smaller...
The huge stack on the left is my library pile. Even when I go into the library with just one book on my list, I walk out with at least three. Surprisingly, I've been finishing almost every book I've checked out! As much as it pains me, I am trying to limit my library trips to ensure that I can complete every book.
Priorities for May:
Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God, by Francis Chan - YLCF's May read along
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, by Eric Metaxas - I have heard great things about this book and was really excited when I found a copy at the library yesterday. I thought it would be months before I'd get my hands on it!
The Robots of Dawn, by Isaac Asimov - Hubby's May classic challenge. I don't know much about this book and I've never read sci-fi other than H.G. Wells' The Time Machine. We'll see how it goes.
I've got Crazy Love sitting on my kitchen counter, so I guess it's not technically on my nightstand. I friend gave it to me, but I haven't started it yet. Thanks for the reminder! Happy Reading!
Lauren from 5M4B
I loved Crazy Love! The Whole Bible Story sounds great too!
I've read Crazy Love, but I don't think I've read anything else on your list. I really want to read the Bonhoeffer biography. You're reading the Bible in Japanese? Wow!!
I'll be anxious to hear about the Bonhoeffer book - I really admire him. Also interested in the Hawaii book as we'll be visiting there this summer!
Crazy Love will be a quick read for you, I think. It is interesting too.
I will be interested in your take on Bonhoeffer - that book has been on my list for awhile.
Amy @ Missional Mama
Great photo --pile of books (can't believe how high!) + cat!
Crazy Love challenged our Sunday School class last year.
I've heard a lot about the Bonhoeffer book.
Good choices.
So, hubby must be quite an intellect and reading role model :)
Hi Cassandra,
Thanks for stopping by my blog! French women don't get fat is an awesome book and I loved its simplicity. The recommendations (and secrets) are ones that each one of us could put to use right now in our lives and are common-sense ideas that we sometimes fail to grasp the importance of. Of course, getting an insight into the elegant lives of the French is always a bonus!
Chryselle @ The Frangipani Journals
Good list! I'm hoping to pick up the Bonhoeffer one sometime--but I'm not holding my breath about it coming available at my library anytime soon. The Whole Bible Story book looks interesting as well--I'll look forward to seeing your review.
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I had to click on your review for Dawn's Prelude since I read it recently, and oh! I so agree with you. I truly wonder what Tracie Peterson thought about while she was writing; it seemed more of a pouring-out of all available and interesting plotlines. Anyway...
Crazy Love is a good one, as I'm sure you've heard. I have Chan's Forgotten God on my nightstand waiting to be read.
I've been wanting to read a biography about Bonhoeffer; that one sounds really good. Added to my list!
Love, love Asimov - I read many of his books several times as a teenager and young adult!
I am in the same boat as you with needing to tackle some nonfiction. Planning to start one today. :)
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