Monday, May 30, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

I am SO happy that I am finally feeling normal. In fact, I was feeling so normal last night that I ran 4.18 miles. Now I'm a bit sore but it's a good feeling.

We actually ended up with too many meals planned this week and I'll have to prioritize what I'm cooking. It's so nice to have options.

Monday - Spaghetti
Tuesday - Garlic ginger noodles (new recipe)
Wednesday - Tacos
Thursday - I will be attempting sushi for the first time but not sure what to make with it. Miso soup/gyoza/soba noodles/or...
Friday - Thai Green Curry (new recipe)
Sabbath lunch - 8 minute vegan enchiladas (new recipe)
Sabbath dinner - Homemade pizza

Writing up our menu is making me hungry!


Missie said...

I would love your extra DVD/book copy! Where would you like me to email you my address? Thanks so much...that is awesome!

Unknown said...

You are a home maker? Awesome! That is so cool!

Also that menu looks good.

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