I woke up this morning with a plan. Breakfast. Housework. Japanese. Lunch. More Japanese. Quilting. Reading. The first part of the day went really well. I made banana french toast, completed all of my housework, and studied Japanese for an hour. After lunch, I pulled out my supplies and prepared to spend several hours working on my quilt.
Today I was supposed to add a new pink fabric into my double nine patch blocks. It was on the cheaper end of the options at Joann Fabrics. 100% cotton, I think (usually I check but maybe I missed it this time). I washed it and everything looked fine. Ironed it. Cut it and everything looked fine. Then I started sewing it together with the blocks already completed and ran into problems. When I ironed the newly sewn seams, the fabric shrunk. It was the weirdest thing. I needed to replace the fabric I just bought.
So, now that I couldn't work on my quilt, I didn't know what to do with myself! My plan was thrown off. My schedule was off kilter. I could think of plenty of things that needed done but couldn't decide on any one of them. I felt paralyzed for some reason. It was frustrating.
I ended up spending some more time with my Japanese studies, reading a bit, and catching up on some correspondence. When I told my husband what happened this afternoon, he told me that I was productive but it wasn't the productivity I had planned on. Then why did I feel like I was wasting the afternoon? Why did I feel like I was being useless and was throwing away several perfectly good hours? I have no idea why I couldn't just let go of my intended activities and embrace something else. A control issue? I don't know...
So sorry about your day! Isn't it just maddening when things don't go as planned. I can relate to the "paralyzed feeling". Not sure why it happens tho... I hope your quilt is alright:( Cheap fabric is such a headache! Smiles, Kelsey
I think when things don't go as planned, it's always a bit stressful. I know that's the case for me.
I'm sorry that your fabric shrunk, ugh! I'm sure that was NOT a pleasant surprise. Hopefully, your quilting project will still turn-out well.
~Madame Wildflower
P.S. Do you remember me?
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