Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Quilting update - two rows complete

My quilt top is finally coming together. Last week, I completed the last of the 20 blocks.

Today I sewed the first ten blocks into two rows.

I want to sew the other half of the blocks into rows before sewing these two rows together. The quilt is coming out a bit smaller than I had hoped. I think it was a problem with my seam allowances not being exact and having to cut each block down to the same size. If I have enough of the dark pink fabric or can find more at Joann, I will add a small border before putting together the quilt sandwich.

Hopefully I'll finish the top this weekend. I can't wait to finish this quilt and move on to my Christmas projects - table runners!


Cory said...

Another beautiful piece of work. Love it!

make.share.give said...

Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if your seam allowances are off, it will make things smaller, unfortunately. I'm learning that the hard way as I am learning to sew.

Your quilt top looks lovely though! Keep-up the good work! :)