I finished adding the borders to my quilt!!

I'll have to see about getting a better photo of the quilt, probably laid out on my living room floor. My photo accidentally cut off part of the blocks in the top corners! It's hard holding anything up in the air when you're in the middle of an intense workout program...
At the beginning, I wasn't sure I liked this quilt. It's a bit too bold for me. However, I had to work with the fabric the church gave me and then supplemented with a couple trips to Joann Fabric. The quilt is growing on me now. It still won't be my favorite, but at least I'm willing to admit now that I made it!
On Sunday, we're headed to Joann to buy backing for the quilt. Then I can start the sandwiching process and the quilting. I can't wait!
Your quilt is coming along nicely ♥ Isn't quilting a lot of work... I have two rag quilts I started last winter for my big boys and they are still in squares in a tote in the pantry:( I really must get them out and finish them to put under the Christmas tree (if that's even possible) Thanks for the inspiration!
Smiles, Kelsey
Your quilt is looking very good. It seems like there are many steps to the quilting process, which is like sewing any kind of garment or other sewing project.
Keep-up the good work! I'm hoping that I'll be able to learn some quilting skills someday. :)
Be careful. Bold generally has a way of growing on people. It really is a nice quilt. I can see why you like it. :)
I can see what you mean about it being a little on the bold side, but you have done a wonderful job on it!
I think it looks very well put together, that is the combinations work well together. brights can bring a lovely accent to a room.
I like the simplicity of the design.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
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