Last year's goals
- Participate in the SOS Kitchen Challenge - failed.
- Run a 5k - Success! Not only did I complete three 5k's, I also ran a 4 mile race! In October I ran my fastest 5k, just under 40 minutes.
- Learn how to bake - I started this but got derailed over the summer.
This year's goals
- Become more fit. This is a vague goal but I have a plan in place. Right now, I am progressing through week 7 (of 13) of the P90X fitness program. Once that program is complete, I am going to focus on my running again, ultimately aiming for a 10k race this fall.
- Learn how to bake. One of my 30 day challenges early this year will be baking everything from scratch. I can't wait!
- Increase the amount of local and organic produce in our diet. I have access to a lot of local produce and need to start taking advantage of it. Ideally, this will mean early Sunday morning trips to the farmers market.
- Watch one documentary and read one book each month on health and wellness. We have a Netflix account and they have many documentaries available to watch online. There are also three libraries within 15 minutes of my house. Between Netflix and the libraries, I have access to plenty of material.
I am happy to say that last year I reached my weight goal, losing a total of 67 pounds. I know that weight alone is not an indicator of good health and I am hoping to improve both my fitness levels and my nutrition this year. Having better health will also allow me to be a better witness for God as it will improve mental clarity and honor my Creator.
by the mercies of God,
that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service
Romans 12:1
Your 2012 spiritual and health goals sound challenging but I know you can do it. 67 pounds is amazing! I love your idea to memorize a verse each week.
congrats on the progress you are making. God is blessing you.
Good luck with your resolutions! How do you like P90x? I have been doing it on & off myself, leaving out parts that are not lower back friendly...
Your 2012 goals sound great! I really like your goal to watch and read a health/wellness book each month. Congrats on reaching your weight goal- that is an awesome accomplishment.
67 Pounds is quite an achievement Cassandra! YEAH!
If you need inspiration for your farmer's market finds - I recently was introduced to this blog:
I like it because it has recipes and tips on introducing good stuff like greens to kids etc.
Also, I think on Netflix you can find the documentary: Vanishing of the Bees (my husband and I are beekeepers). It focuses more on ecology and farming practices, and the factors affecting bees, rather than nutrition. But it fits in with a broader understanding of where/how our food comes from. - Amy
make.share.give - Thanks for the encouragement! I really appreciate it. :)
David - Thanks!
Ann - Thanks! I'm excited to get started with the health books next month. I'm not sure which one I'll pick first!
Amy - That sounds like a really good documentary. I'll check it out. Thanks also for the blog recommendation! I see a number of recipes just on the front page that look really good!
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