Monday, March 12, 2012

Sixty diamond minutes

Lost, between sunrise and sunset,
One golden hour, set with sixty diamond minutes.
No reward is offered, for it is gone forever.

Little Town on the Prairie,
a rephrase of a Horace Mann quote

I read the above quote this morning and it's been on my mind all day. Time really is valuable and we're each gifted with the same amount. It's how we use that time that matters.

Am I using my time wisely? Thoughts to ponder.


Mama Pea said...

That is a great quote. I love it. Thanks for sharing it!

Denise :) said...

I re-read the Little House books recently, and remember reading that and wondering the same thing. I've been wondering it again this past week. Which ... is a pretty good indication I need to take a hard look! :)