Does he look ready to move?
Today I accomplished a lot. I scrubbed down kitchen cupboards, the medicine chest, and the rest of the master bedroom closet. Hubby and I cleaned off his desk, packing everything that needed to be packed and getting rid of the rest. We dropped off a huge bag of hangers at the donation bin and had to buy more packing tape.
Sorry if these pictures are boring, but to me they represent accomplishment! Living in my house, it's harder to see the changes. Looking at these photos, I can see evidence of an upcoming move.

This morning we took a trip to the post office. We mailed off our comforter and a giant stuffed bear that my husband had as a child. Originally, the plan was to pack both in the trunk but we decided that since they are light enough to ship cheaply, we should clear additional space in the car. We also mailed a box of books and talked to the post office about media rate. We can ship the rest of our boxes media rate at an estimated $17 a box! That is way cheaper than replacing our library.

Tomorrow we'll take the remaining boxes to the post office and start packing the trunk. Our suitcase is almost full with all the clothes that we won't be needing in the next four days. I can't wait until we hit the road!
Looks like quite an accomplishment to me!!!! Pics make it more interesting :)
You look ready to go! THe best part of moving is cleaning out the clutter and donating stuff you really don't use or need. I need that because somehow I collect WAY too much!
Wow! Cleaned, packed and ready to go. What a good feeling.
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