Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What's On My Nightstand

What's On Your Nightstand

I've been out of town and away from libraries for so long that I haven't been reading that much. I did read a couple books from my personal bookshelves, a difference from my normal insistence on reading borrowed books. Last week we were finally able to sign up for our new library cards and I brought way too many books home. Such is the life!

Here's what I have managed to read in the past month or so. Links are to my reviews on Goodreads.

  •  Acts  
  •  Romans    

Christian Fiction
  • Promise Me This by Cathy Gohlke - 4 stars. Fantastic book! Highly recommended.

Christian Nonfiction
Secular Fiction
Currently Reading
  • A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Auschwitz as a Young Boy by Thomas Buergenthal
  • Sacred Influence: How God Uses Wives to Shape the Souls of Their Husbands by Gary Thomas

Happy reading!


Nancy said...

Interesting mix this month. Thanks for sharing. Happy reading!


Carrie said...

I love that you made getting a new library card one of your priorities in moving. ;D That's awesome.

I also really like how you list which books of the Bible you read in the last month. You've given me pause. Thank you!

The Studio said...

Thanks for sharing your list and stopping by The Studio. Sarah's Key will definitely complement A Lucky Child. It was a profound read.

April said...

Ooh-I will have to check out "Sacred Influence" I LOVE "Sacred Marriage." It's the best book I've read on marriage.

bekahcubed said...

I can't imagine how difficult it would be to be moving and not have a local library yet! Although I've thought more than a few times that I should take a library break in order to read some of the multitudes of unread titles I own.

The Book of Jane sounded interesting to me at first, but your review has blown out my little flicker of interest. Job without existential questions? Worthless.

Gigi Ann said...

You have an interesting pile of books to read. I am reading the Bible book of Ezekiel for a few weeks, along with other spiritual literature.

Thanks for the visit to my blog, and the nice comment.

Jennifer said...

A Lucky Child sounds like something I'd enjoy. I'll have to add it to my list.

Anonymous said...

I'm not familiar with any of these, but A Lucky Child sounds intriguing.

Lisa notes... said...

All my life I've had stacks and stacks of library books around my house, until the past year or so when I keep downloading free books on my Kindle. Not sure if I like doing it this way or not, but it definitely is convenient. But it's so strange not having anything to renew at the library!

I enjoyed Sacred Influence. Love the diversity of your list.

Anonymous said...

You really impress me by the number of books you can read in a short amount of time. I just can't seem to focus very long on one book, as I often get "bored" and move onto the next one. Ugh! :(

make.share.give said...

I LOVE going to a new library! I bought a book similar to the Lucky Child at Goodwill today- The Children of Willesden Lane. During the war, parents could choose one child to send to London to live and work safely. What a impossible decision.
Thank you for leaving your sweet comment. It has been a hard few weeks.
Are you up for Hazel Ilene's next quilt-along? It's pretty, but I still haven't bound my first one and didn't even start the second.

Amy said...

So glad you are back with library card in hand, I know you like having a large stack! :)

Promise Me This sounds really good. Oh and I am glad we are friends on GoodReads now, so I can keep up on there!

Amy @ Missional Mama