Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bible in 90 Days - Please join me!

Have you heard me talk about the Bible in 90 Days program? It is a fantastic group of readers and mentors who read through the entire Bible in 90 days. Yes, it is challenging. But it is also life changing!

Here are my thoughts after completing my first session. I have also mentored two sessions of the program and have signed up to mentor again.

Would you please join me in reading through the entire Bible? God will speak to you when you read His word! For this session, I have committed to reading alongside the group I mentor. We have two options: reading cover to cover or reading chronologically.

I hope you'll join me! If you have any questions about the program or my experiences with it, email me (contact email is to the right) or leave a comment here.

Bible in 90 Days


make.share.give said...

As I've confessed to you before, I'm still in 1 Corinthians from our last go' round.
I'd love to try again!
Is there any way you could finagle so that I'd be in your mentor group?

Anonymous said...

Well, I've done this once before, as you already know . . . August 20th comes pretty quick. Would be interesting to try again, but I don't know.

Veggiemomof2 said...

I'd love to try this next time around!