Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What's On My Nightstand?

What's On Your Nightstand
I love putting together these lists for the Nightstand posts because I'm always amazed at what I end up reading. This month it was mostly the Bible and Christian fiction. The books were very hit or miss for quality and I'm hoping to have a more consistent month in September!

  • 1 & 2 Corinthians
  • Galatians
  • Ephesians
  • Philippians
  • Colossians
  • 1 & 2 Thessalonians
  • 1 & 2 Timothy
  • Titus
  • Philemon
  • Genesis
  • Job

Christian Fiction
  • The Amish Nanny by Mindy Starns Clark - 3.5 stars for the unique setting (don't judge the book by its cover!).
  • Ruby's Slippers by Leanna Ellis - 2 stars. I'd recommend skipping it simply because it wasn't good.
  • Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs - 2 stars. I couldn't get into it and decided to drop it. There are too many good books available to waste my time on something I can't get into.
  • Love Amid the Ashes by Mesu Andrews - 3.5 stars. SO close to a 4 star read. If you enjoy Biblical fiction, I would highly recommend this one.

Japanese Manga (translated)
  • Apothecarius Argentum, Vol. 1 by Tomomi Yamashita - 3 stars. All of the manga I sampled was fluffy but entertaining. Not something I'll read on a regular basis.

  • A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Auschwitz as a Young Boy by Thomas Buergenthal - 3

Secular Fiction
  • The Little Nugget by P.G. Wodehouse - 3.5 stars. An enjoyable read but, surprisingly, I enjoyed the short stories better!

Currently Reading
  • Evelina by Fanny Burney - I'm not reading it very quickly but I am enjoying it very much. I will definitely be reading some of Ms. Burney's other titles.

Happy reading!


Carrie said...

Oh! I was going to start recording my Bible reading as well. I forgot. I need to get in the habit as that IS the most important book.

Your library pile is dwindling a bit now, yes? You'll have to go back and replenish! ;)

A Lucky Child sounds like a book I would enjoy!

The Amish Nanny is certainly a unique idea.

I like reading through your list, as always!

Hopewell said...

I like that you read such variety! I'm off to look into a few of these!

Anonymous said...

I have a Bible in Chronological order. I have yet to sit down with it. Maybe after I finish reading my NKJV through.

Anonymous said...

I liked Here Burns My Candle when I decided to stop comparing it to the Biblical story it was reflecting -- that was a little disturbing to me. But if I just took it as its own story, I liked it.

Love Amid the Ashes sounds interesting. You mentioned reading Job -- our church just went through a year-long study of it, and a book my pastor recommended that was very helpful was Beyond Suffering: Discovering the Message of Job by Layton Talbert.

Lisa notes... said...

I love the diversity in your list.

I also love that you can do this:
"There are too many good books available to waste my time on something I can't get into."

I want to be more that way. Too often I find I can't quit a book, even if it's no longer good. Such a bad habit.

bekahcubed said...

Good for you for putting down a book you weren't getting into. I still struggle with that particular discipline (funny to call it a discipline, but it really is, for me.)

The Amish Nanny sounds like it might be just enough not-your-usual-Amish-fiction to make me want to pick it up.

Nataly said...

From age thirteen to seventeen reading was something I did a whole lot.Last year though I slowed down a little bit,but still read enough.This year I read alot to help me pass my GED.Ever since I graduated I admit I haven't read much at all.I still enjoy reading but now instead reading a book in two days it takes me a month.I'm to busy right now to read,but I was definetly a reader like you.When I read I always felt like I was in the story.It's a joy and I like knowing that there are someone out there that feels it too!

Unknown said...

I've been meaning to read some of those T.L. Higley books, and I just LOVE Pompeii. Well, you know. . . . maybe not "love."

Trish said...

I want to say I've read Pompeii but that might have just been from an episode of Doctor Who. ;)

The Amish Nanny does sound like a different take on the genre - I may have to check that one out!

Beth said...
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Beth said...

What a great list and what an awesome amount of Bible you got it!

I am going to look for Love Amid the Ashes. I also just added Evelina to my Kindle. That looks like my kind of book!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Just stopping by to let you know that I made a response to your comment on my blog under the blog post topic, "Women, What Are You Feeding?" I hope it makes some sense to you.