Monday, September 24, 2012

A hallmark day!

Our bedroom at 11:25am

Our bedroom at 11:55am

Praise the Lord! We have a bed!

It's a queen sized organic EcoMemory Foam mattress, covered in bamboo fabric, made in California, and is produced with zero emissions.

Best of all?

We paid cash!!

It was a very long eleven week fight with multiple air mattresses but worth the sacrifice to avoid debt. We finally saved up enough money to order the bed on Friday. Thankfully, the mattress store had one in stock and could deliver this morning.

I am in desperate need of a good night of sleep. Thank you, Lord, for a new bed!!


make.share.give said...

Yay! So proud of your patience to save up instead of charge to a credit card.

Unknown said...

Hurrah!!! Your sleep will be especially sweet because it's a debt-free sleep!

Johanna said...

Hope you like it!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cassandra! How wonderful that Our Lord gave both your husband and yourself the strength to stay focused on your goal!

To God be the Glory :)


Carrie said...


May you have many wonderful nights of sleep on it! HURRAY!

Jeanne said...

What a lovely, spacious room! Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Wow is it really this long since I was last on your blog? I'm so glad you stuck it out and can now sleep peacefully.

Anonymous said...

Wow is it really this long since I was last on your blog? I'm so glad you stuck it out and can now sleep peacefully.

Cassandra said...

Thank you, Lillian! We are really enjoying it! It's definitely the most comfortable bed I've ever slept on.