Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sick Day #2

Today was another sick day. The headache is ongoing but now it's moved forward and is definitely in my sinuses. Fun! At least those I know better how to deal with. I've been taking hot showers, sleeping when I can, standing over a pot of boiling water on the stove, and will be eating a spicy curry dinner. Hopefully something will loosen things up so that I can start to recover!

I spent a lot of time today catching up on my RSS feed. I've been ruthlessly cutting the number of blogs I follow because I know that I spend way too much time reading about other people's lives and not living my own.

I also spent some time looking through quilt books to pick out a pattern for my nephew's quilt. I have it narrowed down to three options and need to decide soon. He's due to be born in only two months!

And of course, we've watched a couple episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond. That show points out the ridiculous things we do to our spouse like not being completely honest or putting work ahead of the spouse or putting parents ahead of the spouse. Eek!

I'm still reading this book:

I have a feeling I shouldn't have waited to really get into it until two weeks before having to return it to the library. It's not one to be read quickly, but instead to ponder and take action on some of the principles that shold be applied in my marriage. At least I'll know if it's worth purchasing my own copy.

Thus ends a random post for a very random day.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Well, we can be sick together but at a distance. (Cold here. But mild, thankfully.)

I, like you, also severely cut down my Google Reader lately. As you say, I realized I was spending a lot of time reading about other people's lives without spending time living my own. It's hard to do sometimes (I'd much rather read about the awesomeness of others) but necessary.