Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What's Cooking? Sweet Potatoes!

Judy, over at Patchwork Times has started a new cooking challenge. Last week, the challenge ingredient was sweet potatoes.

Slight problem... my husband hates sweet potatoes.

I decided to make sweet potato fries so that if he didn't like it, our entire dinner wouldn't be ruined. Smart idea! He didn't like them, but I thought they were fantastic!

My fries

I followed these baking instructions. All I did was spray the pan with oil, lay out my sweet potato slices, spray the slices with olive oil, and sprinkle with salt. Then I baked according to the instructions. Yum!

It will take some experimentation to get the right slice thickness as mine were a bit crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. But they tasted really, really good. I can't wait to make them again.

Next week's challenge ingredient? Carrots!


Helen said...


Carrie said...

Well, that's kind of a fun challenge. WE LOVE sweet potatoes here. (HOw can you NOT like them!?) :D Particularly mashed. Yummmm.