Tuesday, July 23, 2013

FBI Fingerprinting - Done!

In my preadoption reading, I found mention after mention that the longest part of the adoption process is waiting for the FBI clearance. I felt for sure that our home study was going to be held up by the FBI fingerprinting results. I was wrong!

Jeff and I made an appointment to get digitally fingerprinted today at noon. We showed up 15 minutes early and were both done before our scheduled appointment times. By the time we arrived home, we had emails stating that our FBI results were available for download. We cleared the fingerprinting check!

I wasn't expecting anything to show up on the record but the appointment website said we'd have results in 3-5 business days. I'm absolutely positive this is not the same fingerprinting that normally takes 4-12 weeks. We'll probably have to get an additional fingerprinting clearance done after the home study is approved. That one will take longer. But for now, we're gathering clearances and paperwork faster than I had originally anticipated.

Now we're just waiting to see if my birth certificate arrives faster than the predicted 96 business days...

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