USCIS has entered our I600A application into their system! Woohoo!
It's such a tiny little step but at least it's a tiny little step forward. They emailed us a case file number so that we can check the status of our application online.
The I600A is a preapproval for adopting a foreign born child and bringing them into the United States. We did not specify a child on our application. They look only at us as potential parents to decide if we are allowed to bring a child to the US.
Once the I600A is approved and we receive the appropriate approvals in Taiwan, we submit an I600 form which requests permission to bring a specific child into the US.
Lots of steps! At least now we can constantly refresh the USCIS website to see our current case status.
Current estimated wait time: 2.5 months.
Your posts make me realize all that my daughter and her husband had to go through for those three darling grandchildren I am enjoying!
International adoption is more complex than our stateside adoption was (at least it sounds that way to me), which I imagine make the waiting even harder. Keep busy, that was what I was advised to do and did, but it's still like living in constant anticipation, etc.
Hoping you hear more soon!
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