Sunday, December 1, 2013


November was a hard month. It seems like most of the month was spent waiting. Waiting for paperwork. Waiting for approvals, some of which arrived and some of which we are still waiting for. I was stressed a lot. Having my future in someone else's hands is really, really hard, especially when it's coupled with a complete lack of privacy. I feel like our personal, medical, and financial lives have been turned inside out and placed on display for the American government, our social worker, our adoption agency, and a Taiwan orphanage. I knew it was going to happen but wasn't prepared for the roller coaster of emotions.

For a few weeks, I forgot to live the life I have now. We don't know what the future holds. There are no guarantees that we will receive approval to adopt, no guarantees that we will have a daughter in 2014. But right now, I have a life to live. I need to continue developing my relationship with Christ, embrace my role as a wife, and encourage our sponsorship kids to the best of my ability.

December is going to be better! I am so thankful that December is here. We're not buying a Christmas tree or presents this year but I still plan to make the most of the holiday spirit. I love the holidays, from the cheesy holiday films to the Christmas music to the peppermint mochas to the light displays. Here's to a wonderful December and a memorable Christmas!


Julie Fukuda said...

I'm wishing you the best gift of all, the daughter you have waited for so long.

Anonymous said...

Oh hugs! Hang in there lovely. "All things come to those you wait..."

I shake my head as I write that because I'm the most impatient person on the planet. I guess I'm being tested in a similarly emotional but different way at the moment. Waiting is not easy.