I have a pride problem. There. I admitted it.
When I realized a week ago that we need a miracle, I started struggling.
I can do it on my own.
We are self sufficient.
Why do I have to come up with the money now?
I can't admit to the whole world that I need financial help.
Even though I'm aware that it's there, I'm still struggling with it. It's hard to admit that we need help. But then I went to church on Sabbath and heard a message.
The sermon title was "Formed for God's Family." The speaker talked about four levels of fellowship. One of the levels is friendship, learning to share. He read Acts 2:44-45, which says "now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need." He also talked about how we are to share each other's problems and quoted Galatians 6:2. "Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
I felt convicted. We are not to live life on our own, relying on ourselves. We are to first rely on God. Then, we lean on each other. We're not in this alone.
So I ask for your help. If you are a believer in God, can you pray for us? Pray that God's will be done in our adoption. Pray that we will find peace in His decision, no matter what it is. And pray for that dear girl in Taiwan who is still waiting for a baba and mama. If you feel led, will you consider helping us fund our adoption?
A friend reminded me yesterday that God does not call the equipped. He equips the called. God has called us to adoption. Now we need to rely on Him to equip us to do His will.
How I wish I could help you in other ways. My prayers are yours
Praying for you all. 1 Cor 10:13
Love you both so much!!! Praying for you and sharing your story :) :) (((HUGS)))
We can clearly see that you are stepping out in faith and reaching out to true community.
I am praying for you guys, thinking of you often and curiously excited to see how God is going to play this out! He's got it! Even if it does look disappointing at times from our perspective - He DOES have the situation entirely under control!
Lillian - Thank you for that text. I don't generally think of pride as a form of being tempted, but it is. Thank you for sharing that promise!!
I saw this and I was like "wow". This really home. I was thinking about "pride" all night and prayed for guidance and wisdom. Have a lot more to think about, also about pride as a form of being tempted. I send a prayer for your family and thank you for helping me out and giving me guidance. Thank you for sharing your story.
I saw this and I was like "wow". This really home. I was thinking about "pride" all night and prayed for guidance and wisdom. Have a lot more to think about, also about pride as a form of being tempted. I send a prayer for your family and thank you for helping me out and giving me guidance. Thank you for sharing your story.
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