Thursday, June 26, 2014

A surprise blessing

I am so overwhelmed with gratitude to God. Just as we're bracing for a long wait, as we work on the last step before submitting all of our paperwork to court, God gives us a blessing to sustain us. Earlier this week, I again contacted our agency to ask if it was possible for me to get touch with the family who hosted our girl in 2012. I was thrilled when they responded with an email address.

After prayer, we sent over a list of questions we hoped would be answered and give us insight into our daughter. We've been so very blessed with a ton of useful information and photos. I was praying for photos but knew that I may or may not receive any. The host family has more than doubled the number of photos we have!

*Post edited - Because Z has refused adoption, I have removed her pictures to protect her privacy.

She's beautiful and I pray every day that God will prepare her heart for our family.


Julie Fukuda said...

Wonderful news! We were only contacted once by the parents of one of our adopted foster children ... and it was a picture when the adoption became final. I often think of those children and wonder how they have made out and where they are now. We did keep a diary of each child with many pictures that were sent with each child when they left us.

Jason and Michelle said...

I'm so glad they responded! I am praying that the Lord will have the adoption proceed smoothly. I hope that she will be here in the US by the end of the year.