Friday, July 11, 2014

It is here!!

Our AIT letter arrived today.

I am so excited!! This was the last piece of paper we needed in order to submit our adoption paperwork to court in Taiwan. This also allows us to schedule a Skype call with our girl! Hopefully we'll be able to schedule that soon. We're waiting to hear how the scheduling process works.

We're making progress!!


Jason and Michelle said...

That's great!

Michelle said...

How exciting!!

Unknown said...

So excited for you. Hope you are able to Skype soon. I know you will be a wonderful mother to her. She is a very lucky girl.

Cassandra said...

Thank you, Mary! We are really excited and hope we can Skype soon.

Julie Fukuda said...

Great news! I hope the skype will not be too far off.

Jason and Michelle said...

Do you know how long or when you will be able to Skype?