What a blessing! Our Skype call was hard and rewarding. I'm still processing it all and hope to post about it tomorrow.
I did want to include a photo from our call. This is toward the very end of the call when she finally warmed up a tiny bit!
*I removed her pictures to protect her privacy.
I look forward to hearing what she thought of our Skype session!
If her expression is any indication, then I'd say that things went quite well. Praying for you.
I'm so excited to read that you had your Skype call! I'm sure it will take you a bit of time to process it all! Continued prayers for all of you.
Congratulations on leaping over another hurdle. Also keeping you all in prayers.
I just love it.
That is all.
Oh can't wait tot hear more about it! Praying her heart and mind were changed toward having you adopt her!
Praises all around!!
Thank you for all of the support! We really appreciate it!
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