Thursday, October 2, 2014

2 losses in 2 days

The last 24 hours have been rather rough. Yesterday morning I received a call from my grandmother that my grandfather passed away. He was almost 88 years old and had Alzheimer's. I call my grandparents almost every single Saturday so was not surprised to hear the news. He was a believer in God so I hope to see him again someday. My grandpa's funeral is on the 13th so I'll be flying to Wyoming next week.

We also received news this morning that our girl has decided to stay in Taiwan. Our adoption process has been officially terminated. I've been crying a lot today over the realization that she won't be our daughter. I will continue to pray for her and hope that she finds a happy future in Taiwan.

My feelings are much too raw to talk about this in any more detail but I may post more in the near future. I'll just keep praying that God will show us what to do next and for Him to heal my broken heart.


Jason and Michelle said...

Im so sorry

Julie Fukuda said...

My prayers are with you at this time of trial.

Maurita said...

I'm so sorry.

Carrie said...

I have been praying.

Kath said...

Dear Cassandra,

I hope that you will find comfort by leaning on God in this time of your life. I am sorry...


Kath said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to hear these things. Please accept my condolences.

Cassandra said...

Thank you for all of the kind wishes. :) :)

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

My sincere condolences

Unknown said...

Will keep you in my prayers in regards to these two losses.

Unknown said...

So Sorry to hear the news. Prayers to you and your family in the loss of your Grandfather. Also you will be in my prayers regarding your adoption loss.

make.share.give said...

I'm so sorry that all this has happened especially in such a short time. Prayers for you and your family.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry that you have to bear so much heartbreak all at once. Praying that your heart is encouraged and strengthened.

Michelle said...

I am so sorry for your losses.

I am praying.
