I'm so excited that I get to post a book review that includes a giveaway! Adams Group contacted me about reviewing the book Life Not Typical: How Special Needs Parenting Changed My Faith and My Song by Jennifer Shaw.
When I read the description, I knew this was a book I needed to read. Life Not Typical is a memoir about a parent who discovers that her son Toby has Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Toby refused to walk on grass, screamed when he got wet, and hated the wind. Even though people told her that he would grow out of it, Jennifer fought to figure out exactly what was going on with her son. When he was diagnosed with SPD, he was able to get the therapy he needed and his life was changed.
Jennifer and I are different in that Toby is her biological son and we are adopting internationally. However, I still felt this book would be extremely beneficial to read. In international adoption, SPD is rarely diagnosed and listed in a child's adoption file but is often diagnosed after the children come home. I have read blog posts where parents talk about their children having SPD but didn't know much about it until I read Life Not Typical.
The book does deliver on both aspects of the subtitle. It talks about special needs parenting, what it's like to have a child who is challenged with sensory issues, how therapy worked for their family, and about how Toby was able to improve over time. Jennifer also talks about her music ministry, how God worked through both her music and her parenting to increase her faith in His guidance and care. I thought the book was a great overview of both SPD and how God builds our faith through life's trials. I do wish the book was longer, that it had covered both topics in more depth, but I thought it was a great overview.
Adams Group is offering a copy of the book to someone who reads my blog. Just leave me a comment and I will draw a winner on Tuesday (Nov. 11). Please make sure I have a way to contact you. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did!
It does sound like a good read. With a love of church choir music and the experience of working with Scouts with special needs, it would be a good book to add to my list. We need to build on our strengths to overcome our weaknesses and helping others to find those strengths is the first step
Wow! One interesting read! I am also an SDA so I am so happy to find a fellow SDA blogger^^*
I'm teaching kindergarten here in Thailand and even though I'm not a mother or an expert when it comes to kids, I somehow can see that some of the kids in our school have special needs. They may not have SPD but I wanted to know how to deal with them. Not only to make them feel that I care and love them, but also to bring them to Jesus. Much prayers are needed.
As a parent of a child who had OT & PT I would love to read this.
Thanks for the give-away.
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