Saturday, January 31, 2015

Wish I could travel now!

I am still giddy about our Skype call. We got to see our girl for 40 minutes! She's shy and beautiful and I can't wait to see her again. The translator was perfectly happy to spend the majority of the call telling us about how our girl is doing in school, how they are helping her learn English, what she does and does not like to eat, what she likes to do for fun, etc. Most of the information was familiar to us, as it had been included in her file. It was just so good to see her face and, after awhile, for her to smile at us. She definitely wants a family and I am thrilled that WE get to be her family.

The morning after our call, we received an email from our agency that said we already have another Skype call scheduled on February 15th. I am thrilled! She is on winter vacation, so I have a feeling they are utilizing that time to help her become more familiar with us and with adoption. We received permission to write her a letter and I'm working on that tonight. I'm writing part of it in Chinese so that she can see I am trying. I didn't really get to say anything in Chinese on the call but hope to next time. We also get to send a letter to her social worker to ask questions about what she thinks of the adoption, of family, etc. That information is invaluable to us and I can't wait to hear what they are willing to share.

Can we go to Taiwan now? I can't wait to see her in person and give her a hug!


Jason and Michelle said...

I'm glad that it went well. I am happier that she WANTS a family!

Unknown said...

I will continue to pray that things go well and you will be able to travel soon to pick up your beautiful daughter. Thanks for sharing her picture the other day.

barbara woods said...

happy for you

Cassandra said...

Thank you for praying for us, Mary! I will bring her new photo to the knitting group next time I am able to go. Hopefully this Friday!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear your skype call went so well! Now I want to Skype my daughter!

Cassandra said...

It is nerve-wracking but oh so worth it!!

Julie Fukuda said...

How wonderfully promising! I can hardly wait to see more progress.

Anonymous said...

Things are certainly looking good. Prayers that the continue to be so and that you are united with your daughter VERY soon.

Unknown said...

I can just feel your excitement! Prayers for all of you as this adoption moves forward.