Thursday, March 26, 2015

Skype and hotpot

I wrote this last week but didn't get to share it with Cin-Ru on our Skype call. Instead, I'll share it with her tomorrow. I'm trying to show her that I am making a genuine effort to learn Chinese. My Chinese skills might be incredibly basic, but I keep plugging away at it.

上個星期,我們去了一家中國餐廳. 在那裡我們吃了火鍋. 我們都非常喜歡! 我喜歡那裡的蘑菇和豆腐. 而爸爸喜歡蘑菇和土豆. 我們想和你一起在那裡吃飯.

"Last week, we went as a family to a Chinese restaurant. There, we ate hotpot. We both really liked it! I like the mushrooms and tofu. And baba also likes mushrooms and potato. We want to eat there with you."

I can't believe we already have another Skype call. I am so grateful because I miss her already. I can't wait to spend time with her in person and truly get to know her. Skyping is hard, but I'm glad that we have the opportunity to talk with her while we wait for the court process.


Anonymous said...

You are miles ahead of where I ever got to. Good work!

Cassandra said...

Thanks, Jim! I'm trying my best.