Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It's official!!

I have been wishing and hoping and praying that we would be able to buy plane tickets in time for our Skype call this Sabbath evening. That way we can tell our girl that we are coming!

My prayers were answered! Our agency notified us this morning that the judge in Taiwan has issued Final Decree on our adoption. This means that the country of Taiwan legally recognizes our girl as our daughter. I am now a mommy!!!

With that notice of Final Decree came confirmation of our travel dates. We will be meeting our daughter on August 3rd and getting her visa on August 5th. I am so excited!!!

Today I emailed several travel agencies and had one get back in touch with me almost immediately. He and I have been emailing back and forth and we now have plane tickets reserved in our name. Once we get the "ok" from our agency, we'll pay for the plane tickets and be that much closer to travel. Hopefully we'll be squared away tomorrow!

Lilypie Countdown to Adoption tickers


Jason and Michelle said...

That is so wonderful! I'm super excited for you!

Julie Fukuda said...

I am so happy for all three of you!
I'm sorry for what you endured earlier but things often work out for a reason, and I pray the rest goes smoothly.

Unknown said...

Such awesome news! I am so very happy for all of you. Many prayers as this new chapter in your life unfolds.