Monday, October 20, 2014

Grandpa and Grandma and I

I am back from the funeral and slowly recovering from the travel and stress of the past three weeks. While in Wyoming, I really enjoyed sitting at Grandma's kitchen table with our family, going through photo albums and reminiscing. I brought home a few old photos and wanted to share two of my favorites.

This is one of the last photos taken of my brother, grandmother, grandfather and I together.

This, as far as I know, is the very first photo taken of my grandparents and I.

I'm so glad that I still have my grandmother in my life but I will surely miss my grandfather. I can't wait to see him in heaven someday.


make.share.give said...

You all look wonderful! Thank you for sharing the pictures.

Carrie said...

What special photographs to have!

Anonymous said...

What treasures. I hope that you are coming through this tough time OK.

Michelle said...

Great memories.
Thanks for sharing!

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

What treasures!

Unknown said...

What a blessing to have those photographs and wonderful memories.