Today has been a fairly productive day. I've completed three loads of laundry and have one more in the dryer. I've applied for a couple freelance jobs. I caught up on all the dishes and put away most of the stuff that was on the table. And now I have bread dough rising!
I'm probably about half done getting the apartment back into pre-vacation shape. I still need to scrub both bathrooms, sweep the kitchen, and finish picking up our computer and living room areas. I can't wait to have the apartment looking nice again. It was really clean and tidy before I left for Wyoming.
The diet/fitness goals are going as well as they can, considering it's only the 6th of January. I've exercised every day except Sabbath (my one day off). I've also entered all of my food into nutridiary so I can analyze my calories. So far so good! I hope the scale will be friendly on Sunday and reflect some of the positive changes made this week.
I bet you will have a pleasant surprise!
Thanks, Ruth! I sure hope so. That exercise DVD has been kicking my butt!
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