Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Whew! What a week! I am completely exhausted. I have a few things that I want to post about but I just don't have the energy. Tomorrow may or may not be a laid back day, but Thursday is going to be packed. I think Friday might be our first quiet day but even that is debatable as I will need to clean for the Sabbath.

It looks like all our house guests will be gone by the end of the weekend. Getting back to regular blogging is one of my requirements for next week.

Until then... :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I love this quote...

"If Christians were to act in concert, moving forward as one, under the direction of one Power, for the accomplishment of one purpose, they would move the world."


Friday, March 27, 2009

Time with God

I'm so glad the weekend is here, especially the Sabbath. I love taking 24 hours off to rest with God.

I'll be back next week with more uplifting posts. This time with God tonight and tomorrow will be uplifting and faith building. I can tell it's going to be a great day. :)

But he led His own people like a flock of sheep,
guiding them safely through the wilderness

(Psalm 78:52, NLT).

Encouragement in times of trouble

It's late and I should be in bed. Hubby came home from his assignment about half an hour ago so we're still up. This text spoke to me just now. The Lord will guide me. Continually. In everything that's going on right now, I can have hope that the Lord will guide me and restore my strength. That's exactly what I need right now.

The Lord will guide you continually,
giving you water when you are dry
and restoring your strength.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like an ever-flowing spring

(Isaiah 58:11).

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Stress - how much more can we handle?

I haven't posted in a few days. I've been really stressed and haven't felt like posting just to complain. Hubby and I are pretty much out of money. We have enough money for April's rent plus a student loan payment, but that's it. A few bills might not get paid next month or will only receive partial payments.

Thankfully, one of our friends from church has pitched in to provide groceries. She brought us a few bags of groceries and gave us a Walmart gift card to buy more food as needed. A coworker of hers also gave us a gift card anonymously. The friend has lifted us up in prayer at work and another coworker today gave us $100. Every time I think about people's generosity, I want to cry. It's very humbling to admit you need help and it feels humiliating at times.

I've revised and polished my resume and am working on a cover letter. Hubby and I have agreed that I will start searching for a job. Even part time would really help out. My contract work is sporadic and I welcome it when it arrives, but I'm earning less than $100 per month. Neither of us want me to work, but we're not sure what else to do. We're praying about it, though, wanting to do what the Lord wills. If He wants me to get a job, then He'll provide. If He doesn't want me to get a job, then hopefully Jeff will receive an offer soon.

Also, an old car accident from 2003 has reared it's ugly head. We thought that was resolved, an accident Jeff was involved in before we met. Unfortunately, the insurance company is trying to collect damages from Jeff and is suing us for $9300. Long story, but we're looking for a lawyer who will sit down for a consultation and let us know what the best course of action is. We can't afford to pay the debt now, but we're willing to make payments after we're employed.

Please pray for us. I thought I couldn't handle much more, but the stress and pressure keeps mounting. God isn't going to give me more than I can handle, so He must have a high opinion of my threshhold for stress. :) There are a few moments of hope in this experience, like the free food and the monetary gifts, the support from friends and all the prayers. God will take care of us and we should have an amazing testimony to share after this is over. I just hope I can continue to remember all the good when the stress has me overwhelmed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


My hubby, brother, Dad, and I have been geocaching today. My brother got me hooked on it last year when he took me out on a couple hunts. I haven't searched for that many caches, but every time we get together, we search for a couple. Today we found five!

If you haven't tried geocaching, check it out. It's a lot of fun, anyone can participate, and there are geocaches all over the world! We don't have GPS but we can still participate by finding the general location and then following the clues. It's a wonderful treasure hunt.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My brother arrived at my house safely this evening. He and my dad were supposed to drive up to Wyoming tomorrow morning for my grandma's birthday. Unfortunately, my brother's truck died once he reached Phoenix and he hasn't been able to start it. So... it looks like Josh and Dad will not be traveling to Wyoming and will instead be staying with hubby and I!

At least now I have the opportunity to share my new found recipes!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it...

Sometimes I struggle with feeling inadequate, unlovable, and worthless. I know that God loves me unconditionally, regardless of my sins and my shortcomings. However, I have a hard time comprehending what that feels like.

My husband portrays God's love in action. For almost four years now, he has loved me, supported me, and been my protector. No matter what happens, no matter how I act or feel, he loves me. I've never experienced that kind of unconditional love. Jeff doesn't have to love me but he chooses to. Today I experienced that love in the most clear way yet. And for that, my heart has overflowed with love for him.

Thank you, Jesus, for giving my husband to me. Thank you that he loves me like You love me. Thank you so much. I think I finally understand what real love is.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New pancake recipe

Seeing how we're out of applesauce, I had to find a new pancake recipe for breakfast this morning. These are a far cry from healthy, but they turned out really fluffy and tasty. I wonder if part of the white flour could be substituted for wheat.

2 1/2 c. all purpose flour
2 T. sugar
2 T. baking powder
1 T. olive oil
1 t. salt
2 1/2 c. rice milk

Carefully mix all ingredients in a large bowl (batter should be lumpy); let rise for 10 minutes. Gently fold down and then let rise for another 10 minutes. Gently stir the batter one last time and then cook 1/2 cup batter on an oiled skillet at medium heat. Immediately after pouring the batter in the skillet, gently break apart any flour clumps.

I thought for sure that my pancakes would come out with flour chunks, but they didn't. Yum!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Job search update

Hubby landed a two week contract! It's part time, a few hours each night, but it's something! He has training on Monday and Tuesday and then he'll receive assignments for the next two weeks. Praise the Lord!

All our bills are paid for March. I am just amazed that we managed to pay every bill, on time, for this month without using any credit cards. God is very very good.

I was planning on trying out a new French bread recipe today, but I realized this morning that I have to make a starter that sits out overnight. Oops. I should have read over the recipe yesterday when I decided which bread recipe I was going to bake today. I'll make the starter either tomorrow night or Sunday night.

Other than that, I'm still catching up on dirty laundry from my trip. Hubby was really good about keeping up with his laundry, so I just have to wash all of my clothes from the last two weeks and some towels from around the house. I didn't even realize I had enough clothes to wear for two weeks without doing laundry.

My dad will be arriving tonight and my brother will arrive on Monday, I think. They are driving up to Wyoming for a few days and then will be back here to stay for another week. I've seen my family more often in the last two weeks than I have in the last year. Being spread around the world makes it really hard to get together for dinner.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back home

I'm so happy to be back home. There is plenty of work to be done around the house, but hubby and I spent most of the day relaxing together. The work can wait. :)

I did make cornbread! Tomorrow will be baking day. I found a french bread recipe I want to test out.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Unexpected, unplanned

This two week visit with my brother has deviated vastly from our intended plans. After he returned from deployment, Josh was assigned slightly shorter than normal work days. He hasn't had a day off since he returned from Iraq. Josh working was the only planned, expected part of this trip.

Monday through Thursday of last week, we had no internet access in the apartment. I brought my laptop with me so that I could complete my contract work and had told my employer that I would be available starting Tuesday. Unfortunately, we were missing a modem and it took a couple days for the apartment to provide one (we're staying in two executive suites, since my brother's two bedroom apartment wasn't ready yet).

My mom was sick on Tuesday last week with a 24 hour stomach bug. My niece was sick on Wednesday. By Thursday night, since no one else had come down with it, we thought it might have run it's course. Wrong! I got sick very early Friday morning and it lasted through Sabbath morning. I was running a fever and had typical stomach bug problems. Not fun whatsoever. Due to being sick, I missed out on visiting the local church. That was also a bummer.

Yesterday, I was feeling like my normal self and was finally able to finish a contract assignment. I am genuinely surprised I haven't been fired yet, as I missed an unplanned week in December (snowed-in in Michigan) and last week due to no internet and being sick.

It looks like things are slowing down now. Last Wednesday, I was lucky enough to see my hubby for a few hours, as we had to take my niece back to Phoenix. I'm really looking forward to going home this Wednesday so we can be together again. It's been almost three and a half years, but I don't like being apart from him. Being away from him, with unscheduled days, on someone else's timetable, and staying in an unfamiliar home or hotel, makes me even more thankful for my hubby and the life we have together.

This week, I'm planning on completing some additional contract assignments, finish reading a couple books, packing my stuff, and returning home to my hubby! I'm excited to settle back into being a homemaker. I love spending time with my biological family, but there really is no place like home.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I love the internet!

I have internet now!! I am so excited. I've missed four days of work this week due to ongoing internet issues at this apartment. Quick update...

My brother flew in Monday afternoon, safe and sound. He's been working part time this week and our family has been spending the rest of the hours together. My dad, mom, and I are here all week. My niece was here earlier this week for a few days but had to go home last night. I'll be here with my brother until sometime next week.

And I have internet now! The furnished apartment we're renting was missing a modem and it took a couple days to get one delivered. But I have internet now! (Can you tell I'm excited?) Now I can get back to helping my hubby job search plus keep up with my contract job.

I hope everyone is having a great week!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Soon and very soon...

... my brother will be here! His flight arrives in seven hours. My mom is coming to pick me up in two hours and I haven't even packed.

Supposedly we'll have internet at the apartment we're staying in, so I should be able to keep posting this week. I hope so!

Have a great day everyone!