Sometimes I struggle with feeling inadequate, unlovable, and worthless. I know that God loves me unconditionally, regardless of my sins and my shortcomings. However, I have a hard time comprehending what that feels like.
My husband portrays God's love in action. For almost four years now, he has loved me, supported me, and been my protector. No matter what happens, no matter how I act or feel, he loves me. I've never experienced that kind of unconditional love. Jeff doesn't have to love me but he chooses to. Today I experienced that love in the most clear way yet. And for that, my heart has overflowed with love for him.
Thank you, Jesus, for giving my husband to me. Thank you that he loves me like You love me. Thank you so much. I think I finally understand what real love is.
Thaat's a wonderful post. My husband loves me soo much too. Sometimes I give him a hard time, but he still loves me back regardless. Such patience :-)
Tomorrow is mothers day here in Ireland, I am looking forwards to it!!!
You know I read this book called Love and Respect. And it helped me understand why women are comanded to respect (submit) to their husbands and husbands to love their wives. Because love comes naturaly to us as women and it's something we need so much of. Our husbands on the other hand naturaly respect and need that very much. I think we are very blessed to have two of those wonderful men who love us so much, and that we get to see that every day... I just wish I was as good at the respecting Jerrod as he is at the loving..
Hello Cassandra! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments :o)
I also would like to share with you a little bit, would you mind going to my blog and on the left hand side you can email me? I would send an email your way but have not been able to find a way to do that via your blog :o)
Many blessings to you and yours!
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