My hubby, brother, Dad, and I have been geocaching today. My brother got me hooked on it last year when he took me out on a couple hunts. I haven't searched for that many caches, but every time we get together, we search for a couple. Today we found five!
If you haven't tried geocaching, check it out. It's a lot of fun, anyone can participate, and there are geocaches all over the world! We don't have GPS but we can still participate by finding the general location and then following the clues. It's a wonderful treasure hunt.
Hi there,
I am sorry to have not replyed to your comment about the veg burgers... Been on top of my head. however, Niall is at a men's meeting tonight and Sean is having a sleep over in a friends homw so I think I might go to bed early and blog!
This is where I blogged about the burgers... They are DELICIOUS!!!!!
Niall says so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have just had time to read your ppost and I love the idea of the treasure hunt, so would Niall. I am going to have to tell him..
Is yur brother saved?
A neighbour of mine got saved last week!!! I can't say anything about it on my blog as another friend who visits my blog has started to attend a (not very good) church and she thinks she may be saved but from what I can see, there is no fruit of the Spirit, just her trying very hard to change her life. SO, I don't want to post about my neighbours true conversion as I ;am sure it would offend. Now she has lots and lots of good fruit so far!
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