January has been a slow reading month. I'm dedicated to finishing the Bible in 90 Days plan and that takes precedence over everything else. I'm not reading much else, maybe half an hour each day of other books.
Here's what I have queued up for the rest of this month and for February.
In the Time of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez - In progress. Based on a true story, unfortunately. I'm sure I'll be crying by the end.
Shanghai Girls, by Lisa See
How Do I Love Thee?, by Nancy Moser - This is another book that is based on a true story but novelized.
Things I've Been Silent About, by Azar Nafisi - Or at least I am going to try. I've read Reading Lolita in Tehran and this is the same author. Reading Lolita in Tehran was a difficult read for me so we'll see how I do with this book.
The Whole Foods Allergy Cookbook, by Cybele Pascal - Our diet is changing for the better. As we're eliminating unhealthy foods, my recipe stash keeps getting smaller and smaller. We need to find some healthy recipes to replace those that I'm not making anymore.
The Wisdom of Eleanor Roosevelt, edited by Donald Wigal
I finished most of January's list. Those that are crossed off are the ones I finished reading.
- A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole - A long book and I just couldn't get to it before it was due back at the library.
The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss- I LOVED this book. The adventures were fun, lessons were learned, and things turned out how I wanted. Great book and now I want to see the movie.Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert- Wonderful book. It was long but I read it in only several days. I really enjoyed each section, though I think her trip to Italy was my favorite part of the story. And I heard they are making a movie of this book! I hope they don't butcher it like they did The Time Travelers Wife.A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle- Okay book... was interesting but not great. Took me awhile to finish.The Complete Idiot's Guide to Fondues & Hot Dips- We were supposed to have fondue for New Years but hubby was sick and we decided it was bad idea. Then we started eating vegan. Oops. There are still a couple recipes in this book that I plan on making, just not the cheese fondue.- Rotary Magic - Haven't read it, but I still have it for another week. Might get to it.
The Jane Austen Handbook by Margaret C. Sullivan- Cute, filled in details about Jane Austen's time period that will be useful when reading the books this year.Miss Manners' Guide to Domestic Tranquility by Judith Martin- Same as above.
Nancy Moser is a favorite author. Enjoy How Do I Love Thee.
How Do I Love Thee? was pretty good. I liked how they put some of her more famous poems in the back of the book. :)
Oh, SO much to comment on here!
*I saw Julia Alvarez talking at last year's National Book Festival, and she was just so enthusiastic and passionate. I really enjoyed Garcia Girls, but I haven't read anything else by her. Thanks for the reminder!
*I've also wanted to read Azar Nafisi's book you mention here, too. I've seen her speak as well, and again, she's just so inspirational.
*AND... oh my, how I agree with you about The Time Traveler's Wife movie. Ugh... I was so disappointed by the portrayal of Clare, and the ending? Don't even get me started...
Happy reading this month!
I enjoy Nancy Moser, but I haven't read How Do I Love Thee. I need to add that to my list!
Thanks for the recommendation for Eat, Pray, Love. Going to request it now!
The Swiss Family Robinson is a great read! I read one of Nancy Moser's books (the one about Mozarts' sister) and did not enjoy it and have been scared to pick up another one of her books.
I love a good book list! I've been reading way too many blogs lately:) Last book I read a few weeks ago and really loved was Feathers From My Nest by Beth Moore.
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