Monday, August 30, 2010

Oh that I would praise the Lord!

This morning I rolled out of bed and popped on Facebook. My normal habit is to read the Bible before doing anything else, but I had asked hubby if we could take a walk. He had already been up for awhile and was in the middle of something on his computer. So I decided to check my email and read updates on Facebook while waiting for hubby.

One of the updates on Facebook made me mad. Hubby and I spent almost our entire walk talking (or for me, venting) about various issues. I got home and was in a tizzy! Not a good way to start the day when I'm trying to cultivate a heart like God's and be respectful toward my husband. I keep reminding myself "demure, you can be demure..."

As soon as we got home, I spent time in God's word like I should have before I left. I was chastised. My reading took me to Psalm 107. In that chapter alone, four times does the psalmist remind people to praise God.

"Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness,
and for his wonderful works to the children of men!"
(vs. 8, 15, 21, 31).

Oh that I would praise the Lord instead of getting caught up in the ways of this world! God is very good and it's too easy to forget His wonderful works! Oh that I would praise the Lord...


- Mighty B said...

I find it so funny that the day I decide to complain, God directs me to several messages about not getting caught up in the 'drama' of the world but to focus on Him. It never ceases to amaze me when He speaks directly to my 'troubles'. Okay God, I hear you loud and clear! :-)

Cassandra said...

Isn't it amazing how He speaks to us? Sometimes it's hard to hear and sometimes it's pretty obvious. :)

Anonymous said...


This is something that I have been seriously praying to the Lord about these days - about not getting overly caught-up in the world (particularly the world in the Blogsphere and Internet), but to spend more time focusing on Him.

Take care dear sister. :)

-Lady Rose

Cassandra said...

Lady Rose, it's hard, isn't it? It's hard to not get caught up in drama and stress. You take care as well!

Unknown said...

I can so relate! I had a similar experience where a FB post sent me into fits. It did remind me, however, how powerful words are and to be more careful what I say and type myself. Are my blog and FB posts a witness for Christ?

Cassandra said...

Ann, you know, to be quite honest I hadn't turned around and thought about how that applies my postings. I only thought about how I react to things. Thank you for turning that thought around to personal responsibility.

I don't have you on Facebook, so I can't say anything about that. But your blog definitely points people to Christ!