Menu Plan Monday is another resource I've seen around the internet but have never taken advantage of. I realized last week that posting my menu online would keep me from losing my menu somewhere in the mess that is my desk. Of course, solving the menu issue isn't an excuse to not organize my desk!
So, here is my menu for this week -
Tonight - Homemade stir fry with broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, tofu, and sweet & sour sauce
Tuesday - Subs with cucumber hummus (hummus is a new recipe)
Wednesday - Tamale pie
Thursday - Orange Style Tofu
Friday - Tofu & Pineapple Thai Yellow Curry (new recipe)
Sabbath - Spaghetti
What's on your menu?
I'm impressed that you make something new each day. When I make a meal here, it usually lasts for two days (sometimes three). Since menu planning is not my strong point, it helps to have some days during the week as "left-over" days.
-Lady Rose
Lady Rose, my husband and I both dislike leftovers. That's why I make something new everyday! I wish we could eat leftovers intentionally, but we generally find that stuff sits in the fridge and doesn't get eaten. So, I've learned to just cook enough for one meal unless it's something we KNOW that we'll eat the next day. ;)
Looking for some good meal ideas. Happy Menu planning. Have a great week.
Nina (Author)
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