For 2011, I've decided to skip reading challenges (we'll see how long that plan lasts). Instead, I'm going to read a book from each of several genres every month. I haven't decided which genres, but it will definitely include memoir, history, and Christian nonfiction. I am going to test out that idea this month and see how it goes.
Christian Nonfiction
The Surrendered Wife, by Laura Doyle
The Singular Mark Twain, by Fred Kaplan
Fiction - both of these are to fulfill challenges for 2010
Sense & Sensibility, by Jane Austen
A Blue and Gray Christmas, by Joan Medlicott
And of course I am going to continue The History of the Ancient World until it is due back at the library.
Sense and Sensibility has been on my TBR pile forever! I need to get to it!! :)
This is my fist link-up for What's On Your Nghtstand! So glad I found it! I love reading about what others are reading!!
See, I'm trying to clear the air myself before 2011 and I think I'll be skipping out on a few reading challenges also. Freedom to read on a whim is an awesome freedom indeed!
The Surrendered Wife definitely piques my interest here!
Hope you have an awesome day today!
Ooh- the Mark Twain book sounds interesting. I went to college in Elmira, NY, where he spent his summers, and the campus even has the small cottage in which he wrote some of his most famous works!
Happy reading!
-Dawn, 5 Minutes for Books
My daughter and I watched the Pride & Prejudiced miniseries recently (first time for her), so it's made me want to read some Jane Austen. Maybe Sense and Sensibility.
I think Mark Twain is fascinating - I bet that will be a good book. I'm not big on reading "challenges" either - I just read what I get to and what I can enjoy. Life is stressful enough without adding yet more lists!
Every year I tell myself I will resist joining every reading challenge, but I never listen. Have a great reading month.
S&S is very good. You'll have to check out the more recent film adaptation after you finish reading - it was very well done!
I hear you about distractions! I find myself returning books to the library unread way to frequently because I've found and devoured another book in the time I SHOULD have been reading the first one. Alas! It's a good thing reading is a hobby and doesn't have any hard and fast rules about finishing and starting and the like!
Ha. I relate to “the life of a library addict.” Sounds like you have a nice plan set up for 2011. It’s good to read a variety. I’ve thought about reading Sense & Sensibility, but after finishing Pride & Prejudice and Emma in the past few months, I’m going to take a Jane Austen break for awhile, and maybe just watch the movie instead.
Enjoy your books!
You're the first person I've come across who's reading History of the Ancient World. I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts on it!
I don't think I've ever read Sense and Sensibility, I should look into that! The Mark Twain book sounds good, too!
Some great titles to check out! I have always wanted to read Sense and Sensibility but have never taken the time to do so. I will have to add it to my stack.
I've been thinking about what direction to take with my reading in 2011 too ... I like your idea of monthly genre goals. I think I'm going to consider something similar to that.
Happy reading in November!
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