I know I say this a lot, but I am so grateful for Sabbaths. I kept myself pretty busy this week, trying to stretch my productivity in both homemaking and studying Japanese. The apartment stayed pretty clean this week and I have invested over nine hours in Japanese studies since last Sunday. The accomplishments are nice, but I'm tired and ready for a day off!
We've been blessed with several answers to prayer in the past week. Hubby needs to get a certain certification for his job. Thankfully, his boss offered to pay for the exams! We've paid out of pocket for all of his certifications up to date, considering it an investment in his career. So to have an employer pay for a certification is a huge blessing! There are three tests required. Hubby passed the first last Friday and the second exam this morning. He has the third and final exam scheduled for next Friday morning.
I'm headed to the kitchen shortly to start making our Friday night curry. We've tried various curries over the past few months, but we love eating a great curry meal to start the Sabbath.
I hope everyone has a very restful Sabbath day!
Praise God for anwsered prayers. Enjoy your curry meal.
Please join in helping get Gods word out thanks http://ambassador4christ-godwithus.blogspot.com/ and Sabbath is always Great !
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