Friday, January 7, 2011

First Preparation Day of the new year

Today is the first Friday of 2011, thus the first Preparation Day of the year. I really enjoyed beginning 2011 with the Sabbath last week. It was a great start to a new year, a chance to spend the day with God.

I like to peacefully enter the Sabbath rather than breathlessly sliding into it. Most weeks, I am not prepared for the Sabbath in advance and spend the last half hour before sundown rushing around. That is something I am trying very hard to change.

This morning, I woke up at 6:30 and had Bible study. Then I got to work. Before breakfast, I had already scrubbed down the bathroom, cleaned the kitchen, and vacuumed the apartment. Then I exercised, ate breakfast, and wondered what to do with the rest of my day! I spent a lot of time studying Japanese, working on a menu for next week, and a few other things.

But now sundown is in 40 minutes, dinner is in progress, and the house is clean! It's a great feeling to realize that I don't have to rush to be ready for the Sabbath. Having an entire day to rest and spend with God is such a blessing! I know I've said it before, but it's true. If anyone reading this is interested, try setting aside the entire day to go to church, rest, and spend with God. He will bless you for the time you spend with Him!


Katia said...

Sabbath peace to you, dear sister in Christ.

You had asked about my prayer journal. I just have a very simple, small journal, like the ones you can buy for $1.00 at Joann's.
I have tried them in the past, and even bought a very expensive one, only to find out I didn't really make use of all of the features offered in it.

For now, I just wish to keep a more simple one, where I can read the requests every morning and check them up when the prayer has been answered.

Mrs.Smith said...

Thank you for the sweet reminder of how preparing for the Sabbath can make a big difference. I need to work on it.

Becky said...

I love to be prepared for the Sabbath, but I prefer to begin with peace. I do what I can, and by early afternoon, I try to shift the focus to the upcoming worship. Anything undone is covered and forgotten until after the Sabbath. Over the years (especially with kids and homeschooling), I've had to get rid of the "perfection" mindset. It is such a struggle!