Monday, January 10, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

Our menu reflects the current daytime temperatures hitting a high of around 60 degrees. We are still only running a tiny space heater and our apartment only reaches 65 degrees during the day! Thus, we've picked a lot of our favorite comforting warm foods.

Monday - Orange "chicken styled" tofu
Tuesday - Spaghetti with marinara sauce (new recipe from Skinny Italian) and Oatmeal Whole Wheat Quick Bread (also a new recipe)
Wednesday - Pizza with mushrooms, onions, and olives
Thursday - Breakfast burritos
Friday - Curry
Sabbath - Unknown...
Sunday - Tacos


Anonymous said...


Sounds like a good menu to me, except on the Sabbath Day - unknown? LOL :)

The oatmeal whole wheat quick bread sounds yummy. You'll have to tell me how it turns-out. It sounds like something I would like to try.


-Lady Rose

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

The Orange Chicken Styled Tofu sounds intriguing. That is my favorite dish at a Chinese Restaurant that I always get. Do you have a recipe or link perhaps? :)

Katia said...

Hi Cassadra,
Very nice menu. I love olives on my pizza. I haven't had breakfast burritos in awhile, now I ma inspired to make some soon.