"Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
Monday, June 11, 2012
Home again!
After nine weeks, I am back home. Whew! I'm still trying to get settled, though that's not really possible since we're moving to Seattle in 13 days!
A much longer post is soon to come. :)
I hope all are doing well!
I also have been wondering how all is going with you. I know your husband's family must be so grateful that you were there with them to help out. Hope to be hearing more from you soon.
Isn't it wonderful?
Glad to hear from you, I was wondering how you were doing!
So glad! Two more busy weeks, then a little peace.
I also have been wondering how all is going with you. I know your husband's family must be so grateful that you were there with them to help out. Hope to be hearing more from you soon.
Praying that your move goes well!
Hope that you will enjoy your new home!
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